
Tamiya: Roborace DevBot 2.0 – Mini 4WD Ma Chassis

Tamiya decided to celebrate the DevBot 2.0: an electric racing car being used for Season Alpha competitions and developed by Roborace. The hardware is the same for each team so the only differentiator is the AI driver software the teams develop for the competition.

This futuristic racing car is all-electric and runs on the Nvidia DRIVE platform when in autonomous mode and can be driven by a human or artificial intelligence.

This 1/32 scale replica is build on the Mini4WD MA Chassis. The motor in the center, and features a design which focuses upon achieving outstanding aerodynamic performance. It has six individual low-friction rollers, a rear skid bar and other speedy features developed thanks to years of design experience.

The single-piece monocoque frame also guarantees that assembling and keeping the car well-maintained is a task that can be performed by beginners and veteran racers alike.

The Tamiya Mini 4WD Roborace DevBot 2.0 will arrive in the hobby stores in the next few days and it’s definitely going to be one of the best selling hobby products of the year.

Source: tamiya.com