
E-flite Extra 300 3D 1.3 meter RC Airplane Video

Horizon Hobby presented the new acrobatic model aircraft E-flite Extra 300 3D, a scale replica of the famous single-engine  low-wing airplane produced by the German company Extra Aircraft. The airplane has a wingspan of over 1.3 meters and is sold in the BNF Basic and PNP versions. The BNF Basic version is supplied with a 910Kv Outrunner motor, speed controller with EC3 connectors, 4 Spektrum digital servos and 6-channel AR636 DSMX receiver.

The high-power brushless power system features a 60-amp ESC and an outrunner motor equipped with a lightweight wooden propeller that combine with a 3S or 4S 2200-3200mAh LiPo battery to deliver an abundance of beyond-scale power resulting in unlimited vertical performance.

Key Features E-flite Extra 300 3D

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Source: horizonhobby.com