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Modelix: M3X V2.0 Ceramic nitro engine

Modelix Racing has released  their new  3 port .21 Off-Road Ultimate M3X V2.0 Ceramic Competition Engine. Like its predecessor, the V2.0 is made by the prestigious Japanese O.S. Engines brand and it’s based on their square stroke Speed B21 Ty Tessmann II edition engine.

This engine has been specifically designed for maximum power, performance and tuneability. With this engine you will have a great and super smooth linear power from low to high RPM. The carburetor, crankcase and crankshaft have been developed to improve fuel consumption.

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M5 Tuned V2.0

Modelix Racing has presented their new Ultimate M5 Tuned V2.0 Nitro Engine for 1/8th Scale buggies and trucks. The M5 V2.0 is a 5 port engine with long-stroke and tuned crankshaft configured for all those drivers who look for a powerful and linear engine with good power at both low and high R.P.M.

The 5 port sleeve creates a linear power output and keeps fuel consumption low. The tuned crankshaft is manufactured with a larger bore intake to increase the mixture flow, and has a special shape to optimize gas-flow in the engine.

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B4 Engine

Maxima Mx has announced their forthcoming B4 3.5cc off-road nitro engine for 1/8th Scale Racing Car. The B4 Engine is based on the O.S. Speed Power Plants and will be available as low profile heatsink (B4S) or standard heatsink (B4R). Both engines come pre-run and are available for pre-order. By pre-ordering you can add a special back plate with your name engraved.

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O.S. Engines presented the new 3.5cc on-road nitro engine R2104, developed for 1/8th Scale Racing Competition. The engine features a 9-port power-plant to improve torque in low-middle power range with a redesigned DLC-coated crankshaft improved transition between low and high RPM.

The R2104 uses a new cooling head, fins enhanced for better air flow and better balance with the heat sink head anodized in two colors; black and red.

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World Champion Products has introduced the new VSR04 3.5cc nitro on-road engine. The engine feature a new and exclusive super long stroke .21 power plant and is based on the O.S. Speed R2102. Among the others features you will find some additional touches, such as the VS Bi-Turbo crankshaft, VS Spec combustion chamber, the Euro Spec liner and piston and an O-ring protect the combustion camber insert.

The engine is designed for competition on-road racing and is available separately or including a VS2098/M2001 exhaust system.

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Mugen: Ninja JX21-B05 Buggy Engine

The Japanese Mugen Racing released the innovative Ninja JX21-B05 Off-Road Buggy Engine that features a 3-port long-stroke design that offers smooth low-end power and exceptional mid to top-end power. The crankcase, backplate and carburetor feature a new design. The new DLC-coated crankshaft is silicone filled and has two tungsten counterweights for smooth rotation and better balancing.

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